The Proof is Out – A Wide Range of Diseases are Linked to Pesticides
The Proof is Out – A Wide Range of Diseases are Linked to Pesticides. We at Pest Borders are fully aware of the nightmare of pesticides and partake in continual research regarding the harmful and devastating effects pesticides have on us, our children, and the environment. The Proof has been out that even your common home pesticides are linked to the ever increasing rate of diseases like Cancer’s, Developmental and Learning Disorders, ADHD, Autism, Endocrine Disruption, Diabetes, Parkinson’s Disease, Birth Defects, and more. There should be NO reason that you would be applying these highly toxic poisons ANY WHERE around or in your home. Pest Control, especially scorpion pest control can be handled without pesticides.
The common diseases affecting the public’s health are all too well-known in the 21st century: asthma, autism and learning disabilities, birth defects and reproductive dysfunction, diabetes, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases, and several types of cancer. Their connection to pesticide exposure continues to strengthen despite efforts to restrict individual chemical exposure, or mitigate chemical risks, using risk assessment-based policy.
The Pesticide-Induced Diseases Database, launched by Beyond Pesticides, facilitates access to epidemiologic and laboratory studies based on real world exposure scenarios that link public health effects to pesticides. The scientific literature documents elevated rates of chronic diseases among people exposed to pesticides, with increasing numbers of studies associated with both specific illnesses and a range of illnesses. With some of these diseases at very high and, perhaps, epidemic proportions, there is an urgent need for public policy at all levels –local, state, and national—to end dependency on toxic pesticides, replacing them with carefully defined green strategies.