Up until recently there has been no true prevention method of keeping scorpions out of your home. I know I have tried them all.
– Continual applications of pesticides
– Home Sealing
– Sweeping/Hunting
With years of research and testing the answer was the obvious – so obvious natives in places like nicaragua for many years have been successful in keeping these potentially lethal pests out of there huts. What they did and do is to construct the lowest portion of the walls of their huts out of discarded glass bottles – you see its common knowledge scorpions cannot climb glass. Their reasoning is if they cannot climb onto the hut they cannot get into the hut. Why do people put the legs of the babies crib in glass jars? Same same.
So why not surround your home with a glass border?
Sounds impossible?
Not exactly….
Where scorpions hide. Scorpions are nocturnal, meaning they are most active at night. During the day outside, they can be found under rocks, in the bark of palm trees, lodged in cracks or crevices of walls, any place they can get out of the heat of the sun. In your home they can be anywhere even in your shoes. So, in order to avoid being stung, its best to be aware. When outside don’t place your hands or bare feet anywhere that you cannot see if anything is there. In the home if you know you have had scorpions before you must always be alert to the possibilities of their presence. A black light flashlight helps due to the fact that in the dark scorpions glow a fluorescent green when shined on. Its best to check in the beds, shaking out the sheets and blankets. Under beds, inside shoes and clothing. Along the base of your walls, under furniture, just about any where and every where. Unfortunately pest control companies procedures are not effective in eliminating scorpions from the inside of your house, whether it be spraying pesticides, home sealing or scorpion hunting.
Scorpions are not insects, they are arachnids. They are most common in hot climates. There are over 1700 species known today. Only about 25 of these are venomous with the ability to be lethal. Of these 25 one of the more venomous is the Bark Scorpion which is the most common scorpion in Arizona, and throughout the Southwest.
What to do if you are stung. Scorpion stings are rarely fatal. But deaths do occur. The elderly and the very young are at the highest risk of a serious or fatal reaction. The result of a scorpion sting varies from individual to individual. As stated it can be a serious situation that necessitates hospitalization to an annoying discomfort similar to a bee sting, and anywhere in between. In any case if a child or elderly person is stung it is advisable to seek medical attention immediately, and or call Poison Help at 800-222-1222. Mild signs and symptoms might include:
• Pain, which can be intense
• Numbness and tingling in the area around the sting
• Slight swelling in the area around the sting
More-severe signs and symptoms might include:
• Muscle twitching or thrashing
• Unusual head, neck and eye movements
• Drooling
• Sweating
• Vomiting
• High blood pressure (hypertension) or low blood pressure (hypertension)
• Accelerated heart rate (tachycardia) or irregular heart beat (arrhythmia)
• Restlessness or excitability or inconsolable crying (in children)
If you’ve been stung, get prompt care if you begin to experience widespread symptoms.