Let’s talk about scorpion control and prevention in Gilbert Arizona. Imagine how many scorpions there must be in the Arizona desert, millions? The closer you are to them the better the chances are that you will come across them. Being that Phoenix is a valley and surrounded by the desert, the closer you are to the outer perimeter of phoenix the more wildlife encounters you will have. Gilbert Arizona is located on the outer perimeter of the valley and close to open desert that explains why there are so many scorpions throughout Gilbert, among other wild life as well. Scorpion pest control in Gilbert, Arizona, as well as many other areas throughout Arizona has left many frustrated and hopeless. Up until 10 years ago when The Pest Border Barrier was first introduced it was always a battle to keep scorpions out of your home. Now pest control is not only perfectly safe due to the fact that their is absolutely no chemicals, powders, or pesticides applied, but finally something that you can have full confidence that it works!
The Pest Border Barrier Technology
The only real solution to scorpion exclusion.
For decades Pest Control has been accepted as a chemical application procedure. This indoctrination in our minds and lives have made companies like Monsanto and Basf very rich. Whats the perfect business one that the customer needs to keep returning to and buying product. They wouldn’t have it any other way. Do you think they want a permanent fix for pest control? How about a cure for cancer? Or a drug you only have to take once. I do not think so. Say goodbye to the continuous application of poisonous chemicals around your home, and stop throwing away your money. A Pest Border installation is a one time investment adds value to your home and fixes that pest problem permanently.
The Pest Border barrier technology is the only truly successful and safe way to eliminate scorpions and many other pests from your home. It is a one time installation for the life of your home, at a very affordable cost. The Pest Border completely eliminates the entry of scorpions, termites, spiders, crickets, and many other pests without pesticides. It eliminates your monthly pest control bill, so you pay only once for installation. But most importantly – no more harmful chemicals in and around your home. Stop throwing away your money, and stop putting your loved ones at risk. Pest Borders offers a no charge consultation and estimate at your home at your convenience.
Scorpions, many types of spiders, termites, crickets, and other insects do not have the ability to climb very smooth surfaces such as glass. Simply put we completely surround your home and garage with our patent pending Pest Border product at the very bottom of your exterior walls and interior walls of your garage, under all door ways, columns, and conduit leading to the home. The pests walk from the ground to the Pest Border, they can not climb it – they cannot get onto your home – therefore they cannot get into your home.
In many villages around the world the natives line the bottom of their huts with glass bottles and smooth metal cans to form an unclimbable barrier for pests like scorpions. Just plain old common sense.